The Art of Understanding
Interested? read it. I promise u won't regret!
Have you ever had problems with someone, older or any age? Have you ever felt depressed or felt like nobody understands you? If I tell you it is one of the important social issues nowadays, I believe you would be surprised. One of the main foundations of most of the global issues is not understanding each other, or lack of Empathy.
Nowadays, we are facing global warming, pollutions, wars, unfair judgements, bullying, cyberbullying and many other issues. And one of the things that causes these, is lack of Empathy. Empathy means the art of understanding each other emotionally. However, people these days don’t really understand each other and Narcissism spreads all over the world. When it happens, people get more selfish, angrier, and greedier than in the past. It means people don’t care about the consequences of doing bad things, and they only care about what they will get. As it grows larger, industry owners don’t care about nature, criminals only care about money, rich ones forget about poverty, leaders forget about citizens and many other things. On the other hand, nature gets damaged, citizens fight over money, war victims lose hope and poverty spreads wider.
We want to share with you about the medicine for all of these, Empathy. We believe all people should care about each other more than money. Money is important, but it doesn’t mean it has better value. We think each and every earthlings (people and animals) in our environments are more precious. Why is that? Because all of us have loved ones, parents, teachers, friends, families, relatives, pets and even our mother Earth. Not only that, we have the ability to feel happiness, gladness, love and many other good things. Meaning, money isn’t really important at all. Actually, our greed and anger are the ones that are preventing us from having those precious pleasures. And did you know that, the main key to open that treasure box is Empathy.
Empathy has many structures despite it’s only being about understanding each other. Adding up, all the things that create Empathy and benefits, there are mainly 4 parts (Love, Compassion, Positive Thinking, Thinking from perspectives). Love means caring about all living things in our Nature. Normally, we don’t know how to love. The love we actually call these days is attachment, not actual pure love. An example of meaningful love is wishing everybody a good day. This love is the only love that can lead to eternal happiness, while attachment love can lead to miserable conditions. So, firstly we should know pure love.
Secondly, compassion is about helping others. If we know how to love, we get our pure compassions. Most Myanmar people have smelled the benefits of compassion. Have you ever donated or helped someone who is begging on the streets? If you had, you must have felt happy about it. The happiness you get there is the result of pure Compassion. Thirdly, Positive thinking and Thinking from perspectives are important. Positive thinking means thinking about the good sides of things. When we have bad friends, we normally feel bad about it. Instead, if we only think about the good sides of them, we won’t feel angry or anything about it. And Thinking from perspectives is also important. Only having positive thinking seems like blind. For that, we need wise eyes or multiple thinking. Thinking from perspectives is a way that can tell us which is right which is wrong. Also, it is one of the keys to Empathy. Even if every earthlings only have these four structures, we are sure that our world will no longer have the issues we are facing today.
In conclusion, we all should have Empathy (Love+ Compassion+ Positive Thinking+ Thinking from perspectives). If we only have it, we will be able to create a pleasant and harmonious community for all youths and older individuals.
By Y8 Azura (Gp2)
The Art of Understanding Interested? read it. I promise u won't regret! Have you ever had problems with someone, older or any age? Have you ever felt depressed or felt like nobody understands you? If I tell you it is one of the important social issues nowadays, I believe you would be surprised. One of the main foundations of most of the global issues is not understanding each other, or lack of Empathy. Nowadays, we are facing global warming, pollutions, wars, unfair judgements, bullying, cyberbullying and many other issues. And one of the things that causes these, is lack of Empathy. Empathy means the art of understanding each other emotionally. However, people these days don’t really understand each other and Narcissism spreads all over the world. When it happens, people get more selfish, angrier, and greedier than in the past. It means people don’t care about the consequences of doing bad things, and they only care about what they will get. As it grows larger, industry owners don’t care about nature, criminals only care about money, rich ones forget about poverty, leaders forget about citizens and many other things. On the other hand, nature gets damaged, citizens fight over money, war victims lose hope and poverty spreads wider. We want to share with you about the medicine for all of these, Empathy. We believe all people should care about each other more than money. Money is important, but it doesn’t mean it has better value. We think each and every earthlings (people and animals) in our environments are more precious. Why is that? Because all of us have loved ones, parents, teachers, friends, families, relatives, pets and even our mother Earth. Not only that, we have the ability to feel happiness, gladness, love and many other good things. Meaning, money isn’t really important at all. Actually, our greed and anger are the ones that are preventing us from having those precious pleasures. And did you know that, the main key to open that treasure box is Empathy. Empathy has many structures despite it’s only being about understanding each other. Adding up, all the things that create Empathy and benefits, there are mainly 4 parts (Love, Compassion, Positive Thinking, Thinking from perspectives). Love means caring about all living things in our Nature. Normally, we don’t know how to love. The love we actually call these days is attachment, not actual pure love. An example of meaningful love is wishing everybody a good day. This love is the only love that can lead to eternal happiness, while attachment love can lead to miserable conditions. So, firstly we should know pure love. Secondly, compassion is about helping others. If we know how to love, we get our pure compassions. Most Myanmar people have smelled the benefits of compassion. Have you ever donated or helped someone who is begging on the streets? If you had, you must have felt happy about it. The happiness you get there is the result of pure Compassion. Thirdly, Positive thinking and Thinking from perspectives are important. Positive thinking means thinking about the good sides of things. When we have bad friends, we normally feel bad about it. Instead, if we only think about the good sides of them, we won’t feel angry or anything about it. And Thinking from perspectives is also important. Only having positive thinking seems like blind. For that, we need wise eyes or multiple thinking. Thinking from perspectives is a way that can tell us which is right which is wrong. Also, it is one of the keys to Empathy. Even if every earthlings only have these four structures, we are sure that our world will no longer have the issues we are facing today. In conclusion, we all should have Empathy (Love+ Compassion+ Positive Thinking+ Thinking from perspectives). If we only have it, we will be able to create a pleasant and harmonious community for all youths and older individuals. By Y8 Azura (Gp2)
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